Monday, May 31, 2010


Hello There!

I had a pretty good day today.

It consisted of...

A jello ocean.

Totem pole making..
"Why are you taking a picture of me" faces
Groovy dancing.


Getting pumped for the world cup!
I'd like you to meet three of my lovely friends, who also blog.

Madison (I told you she's lovely)
Madi writes a blog called Sheep Weekly ( ) .She writes about current events,recipes and anything interesting she finds. SO GO OVER TO HER BLOG,its fabulous


Sophie writes a blog called Deadly Nightshade ( I think, I don't really know cause the header changed) ( ) .

Sophie's blog is about pretty much everything. You'll find posts about everything from Glee to her life. Go and check out her blog and I'll give you a cupcake. promise.


Baylee writes a blog called Daily Baylee ( )
Baylee writes about her life and random things she wants to! One worth visiting!

If you visit Baylee AND Sophie`s blog ill give you three cupcakes. EXTRA CUPCAKE

And I'm now adding a cupcake deal with Madi`s its fair. SO SIX CUPCAKE, cause don`t forget! There`s a bonus offer going on right now.
Considering the only followers I have are you three, I dont know how many cupcakes i`ll be giving out.........

And a mini outfit post:

shirt-thrifted .. boots- my friends dads basement .. tights-ardéne`s .. bow-f21
Woah! That was a full post!
Thanks for reading,

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Some things I want.........

A pair of floral leggings. I have wanted some for awhile now. These are from Topshop. I will not be getting these because they are about $40 Canadian and with shipping they would be ALOTOFMONEYS. I will be keeping my eye out for some though!

A pair of patched jeans. I think I might try and make some myself! These are from the Chloe 2010 spring collection.

A lacy tank or shirt. This one from forever21 is sheer and would be great for layering.

Opi lilac nail polish. This one is called Done out in Deco.

Thigh-high socks. I have quite a few pairs of knee highs but I like the look of thigh high ones. These are from american apparel. I usually wouldn't buy 17 dollar socks but I like these allot and there the only thigh highs Ive been able to find.

THE MULBERRY BAG. *drools* The bayswater bag is the epitome of awesome. Unfortunately the 700 dollar price tag is WAY out of my price range. But a girl can dream.......

A Blazer. I already have a cottony one but I'd like a "chic" black one. I will probably just go find one at a thrift store for like 10 bucks and take it in if necessary. This photo is from "so super sam" 's blog ( because its not possible to copy Zara's pictures. I like the way she styled it. Blazers are so versatile - IDEAS ARE FLOWING.

Boyfriend Jeans! I wear my Dad's jeans around the house sometimes. I probably look really ridiculous considering he's 6'7. So yes- boyfriend jeans that fit. I like these from the Gap.


- Some dotty tights (because mine have a HUGE hole in an unfortunate,uncomfortable place.)

- those shorts that are kind of poofy, kind of safari like- but kinda not.... I found some at winners a couple weeks ago but they didn't have them in my size.

- a leather jacket. I have one that my mom gave me, it was her`s in the 80`s. It`s really big. I don't know why it`s really big considering she`s a petite 5`3 woman and always has been. Except when she was a baby and a kid cause then she wasn't a woman she was a baby and a kid and not 5`3. ANYWAYS, a more fitted one would be nice.

-Some more sunglasses, I lost my favorite pair that I got from a free bin at a garage sale. *unhappy face*

oh, and the list could go on. There`s lotsta cool stuff out there! My birthdays coming soon(ish) so maybe a magical elf will give me one or two things. And I get my cheque tomorrow too, so I could always treat myself.

AND BY DA WAY, this is a wish list so its not like I'm expecting all these things anyway.

I also want to get back into sewing this summer. Im always complaining that there this thing in my mind that I know I want but cant find. SOOO I could just make it! I`ve sewn I couple dresses, but haven't tried it for awhile. Hopefully I can still do it!

Thanks for reading,
*I don't own any of these photos

Saturday, May 29, 2010



I have decided to make a vlog......

HERE IT IS: (would not upload to youtube but will post it here when it works)

I tried to just upload it to my page but it was taking a REALLY LONG TIME. As in I left the computer alone for three hours and it still wasnt finished.

Im also adding a quick outfit picture. Pretty casual today because the highlight of my day was dentists were drilling at my teeth and I had to be comfortable in the chair for HOURS ON END. Maybe only one, but still....

I didnt really like my face in this picture so I covered it with a gingerbread cookie- because who doesn't like gingerbread men?

And theres also a closer look at my ring since the video wasnt focusing.

shirt,sweater,ring-f21/boots-second hand/jeans-mom's friends daughter or something...

AND I have a new header! I know the editing is kind of bad- picnik doodle makes it hard to outline anything perfectly. But I think I like it so maybe I can take more time with another editing program and make it better.

Thanks for watching/reading!


Friday, May 28, 2010



Today it was a little bit chilly.

And I -being a generally unobservant person- did not look out the window before I left the house . So I -being the generally unobservant person I am- was kind of cold today.

ANYWHOOOO, I just got this romper from forever21 and am liking it. I rarely wear shorts this short so its kind of a change for me.

romper and sweatshirt- forever21/shoes-converse
And meet my cat Sammy! He's made his first appearance to my blog.
As you can see he loves me a whole lot.
My legs are quite scratched up from all the tree climbing I have been doing. It kind of adds to the whole ``I'm so chill in my sweatshirt and overalls and imma go play baseball with the boys`` look.
And photo cred to my Mumsie!
Sorry about my various thoughts. There are all those dots because when I pressed enter (attempting to seperate my thoughts) and published my post- it didnt seperate.It was all one glob of unrelated sentances- which wouldnt do!
ANYWHOO (again) enjoy your weekends!

Thursday, May 27, 2010



Sunny once again today- hoorah!

As you can see, I spend my free time at playgrounds......

shirt-h&m/tights-off the wall/belt-gift/boots-secondhand
Got an awesome deal on the tights yesterday - $2.50 at off the wall!
deals please me.
All pictures were taken by my friends Madison and Valence.

Bye Bye for now!

Monday, May 24, 2010


It's starting to feel like summer!

I'm at my Nana's right now so the tree stump's and chairs helped me take pictures due to lack of tripod.

boots-second hand/socks-h&m/shorts-bluenotes/shirt-gift
I'm now off to Bob Dylan night at a restaurant, see you tomorrow!

Saturday, May 22, 2010


Hello again!

I told you that I would post soon!

This is what i wore today, the dress makes me feel five.

sweater&dress-f21/socks-h&m/shoes-stitches/tanktop-old navy

oh and incase anyones wondering I shoot with a Canon Rebel T1i, a nexxtech tripod and a self timer unless otherwise stated.

AND I think I want clogs

I like these from pimperlime-but I dont like them $80.00 much.... Ill prolly be able to find a cheaper pair at payless or something.
that is all.
Bye for now!


Hello, I have finally started a blog!

I'll blog mostly about fashion,outfit posts,inspiration etc.

I suck at introductions so ill stop now to prevent rambling/embarrassment.

Will post soon!

and yes, I realise my hand is large