Friday, June 11, 2010


I HAVE FINISHED SCHOOL. My last day was today and I'm SUPER HAPPY!
I also have a fun next couple days planned. Tomorrow-UM okay, I have things exciting AFTER tomorrow. Sunday- 80's SLEEPOVER PARTAY WITH MY FRIENDS, its going to be most excellent. Monday- School picnic. Tuesday- Lunch with some friends, one of them i haven't seen in months! Wednesday- off to the island of salts!

AND as promised- I have an outfit picture! I have a bunch from last week so i might have some extra posts in the next couple days.
What I wore today:

I was really stupid and didnt bring running shoes or gym strip. So I ran a mile in my boots.


Yes, that is a soccer ball on my celebration of THE WORLD CUPPPPPP! Who are you rooting for?
Will update soon!


  1. Ahh, a fellow 13yr old blogger! Yay!
    Anyway, I love your jacket :)

    And as for the world cup, Engalnd all the way!

    Sonia // Dozen Dresses xo
