Sunday, September 26, 2010



I'm still obsessing over knits.I need to make a thrift store trip soon. I'd go and buy the things in my polyvore but.... everything in it is over $300. dang.

Today I went Downtown. The main purpose of the trip was to get a birthday present for my friend. And I was quite proud of myself as I only bought one thing! I got these earrings from H&M.

I went with my friend Madison.

Herro, im Madi.
Here's what I wore.....

Thanks for Reading!

Saturday, September 25, 2010



I had a very relaxing day today, just what I needed.

School has been super busy= why I've been so lame at blogging.

But I have time today- Yay!

Here are some inspiration pictures for fall:

I cant wait till it gets a little bit colder so I can dress in lots of heavy knits and texures...
pictures via lookbook and kenzo

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Long time no see...again


Remember when I told you I was going to be better at blogging like....2 weeks ago?
I even promised.

Well now I'm telling you I'm a liar.
Sorry about that.
Homework has decided to eat me and Amercia's Next Top Model has started (along with a bunch of other embarrassing TV shows I watch.)
Oh and Grey's Anatomy starts tonight!
And I think Law and Order SVU starts soon as well...
I'm TV overbooking myself.
BUTTTT I am going to start blogging more now.
Actually this time.


Here's an update on the last...two weeks.

As I said, Ive been watching America's Next Top Model! My favorite is Ann, I'm happy she's doing so well! I liked Rhianna during the casting but after that she was kind of...meh. I like Kayla and Chris as well. Who are your favorites?

I've been going to school. woot. Its not too bad, actually. I just really hate math. With a passion.
I have a pro-d on Monday though and I'm going to an all-you-can-eat sushi restaurant to celebrate.

Yeah, that's basically it.

Here are my looks from the past little bit:

Thanks for reading!
I dont think I ever posted my or my friends lookbooks.... I might have-sorry If I did already.

Madi's :

Friday, September 10, 2010

Why does Without a Trace end at 11:09???


Today I had my mile run. Ew. Gross. Disgusting. Revolting. Horrible. Etc.
I really hate long distance running.
Here's my outfit pre-helllikerun.

My look from yesterday:

My look from the day before yesterday:

But I will be better next week,promise.

Unfortunately school is going into second week now and I shall have more homework and tests. I have a test on Monday actually. Blarg @ tests and homework. I like lunch better.

School should only be lunch. All the time. So basically just a hang out place that you have to go to.

Oh, in a perfect world.....

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

No more noob for me!


Today was my first day of grade nine. WOOTWOOT. I am no longer a noob! No more "it smells like grade eight" jokes! Yay!

I, unlike previous grade nines, will be kind and welcoming to the grade eights. That's why I barged into their classroom and made them play pass the yarn and introduced them to Isidorous, my pet coconut. I then smashed Isidorous on the ground because I felt like it. Then I saw Isidorus was all moldy inside. ew. gross. Now i know why I had the urge to smash him- because he never was a good coconut. His heart was all moldy. Later I did some mung faces with Sophie.

Okay, I'm going to stop talking now before people click "unsubscribe" because they think I'm a psychopath.

ANYWAY. This is what I wore. I had a different outfit planned but I thought it was too normal so I changed.

I'll probably be getting back into regular posting now that school has started. So talk to ya'll soon.

p.s- A'm a spaghatta nadle. funniest blog ever. check it out.

Monday, September 6, 2010

School starts tomorrow.


I am having a very lazy day today.
I DID have a plan.
I WAS going to be productive.
But ,that slipped away once I saw my furry blanket hanging out with my laptop and my couch and some quesadillas. I just had to join them.

Since I'm just sitting on my ass I figured I might as well do a blog post. Then I realised I had nothing to blog about. Soooo I decided to post the outfit I'm wearing for my first day of school tomorrow. I was going to put it on but my hair looks like its eating me and I probably have some cheese stuck to my face.

So here it is in all its "hey I'm chillin on a chair" glory.
skirt-UO /shirt-GAP / shoes- vintage/ jacket-vintage
At first,I was going to just wear the outfit without the jacket. But then I didnt want people to think I was too normal so I decided some white leather and fringe was in order.
Yesterday I went shopping with my fwends. I would tell you about it but, then I would have to upload more pictures. And like I said- Lazy day. I'll post about it another day.
I'm going back to my blanket and quesadillas now...