Monday, September 6, 2010

School starts tomorrow.


I am having a very lazy day today.
I DID have a plan.
I WAS going to be productive.
But ,that slipped away once I saw my furry blanket hanging out with my laptop and my couch and some quesadillas. I just had to join them.

Since I'm just sitting on my ass I figured I might as well do a blog post. Then I realised I had nothing to blog about. Soooo I decided to post the outfit I'm wearing for my first day of school tomorrow. I was going to put it on but my hair looks like its eating me and I probably have some cheese stuck to my face.

So here it is in all its "hey I'm chillin on a chair" glory.
skirt-UO /shirt-GAP / shoes- vintage/ jacket-vintage
At first,I was going to just wear the outfit without the jacket. But then I didnt want people to think I was too normal so I decided some white leather and fringe was in order.
Yesterday I went shopping with my fwends. I would tell you about it but, then I would have to upload more pictures. And like I said- Lazy day. I'll post about it another day.
I'm going back to my blanket and quesadillas now...

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